A child can see from many dimensions/angles at the same time which opens them up for possibilities. A white sheet of paper upon which a tree is drawn two thirds of the way up slightly tilting 30 degrees to the right; greenĀ coloured along the bottom edge to represent grass; a very large sun shining out rays to the left of the tree; a swath of blue then streaking across the top of the page; and for the final touch a brown path drawn from the bottom of the page upwards to the right and just passing the tree, as if seen from a bird's view. This is a lovely garden and the drawing is complete and satisfying.
The Shape of Water (Guillermo del Toro) intro was and is absolutley fantastic! I LOVE that intro. I love the movie too.
People have for centuries thrown garlands...flowers...onto moving waters in dedication. Life continues. The flowers representing perhaps that there is still life if only perhaps in reality as memory. A way of embracing the journey unto the unknown with the knowledge that water breathes new life. Continuance.